Release of two films co-produced by SCOPE: "Everybody loves Jeanne" and "The Visitor from the Future"

The Visitor from the Future

François Descraques' cult web-series returns nine years after its last season for a very successful event film.

In preparation in the shadows since 2014, this film is very different from other productions originating on the Internet. Where The Manor and Not Very Normal Activities were outright failures, The Visitor from the Future stands out as a science fiction film that holds up as well as it pays homage to its heritage.

Thanks to the humor so characteristic of the video platforms of the 2010s, nostalgia is instantaneous and takes us back to an era of the web that we would have almost forgotten. Like the original series, we come across some emblematic figures of YouTube. Ludovik, Davy Mourier, Monsieur Poulpe or even Jenny Letellier and Valentin Jean represent different generations of content creation on the Internet.

The humor is omnipresent and the dialogues particularly well felt. To discover!

Everybody loves Jeanne

Presented as a world premiere at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival, Everyone Loves Jeanne is a gem of an offbeat comedy, starring Blanche Gardin and Laurent Laffite.

This film is described as "a marvel of poetry, delicacy and humor".

"When she was young, everyone loved Jeanne. Today, Jeanne is almost forty years old and she hates herself. Over-indebted, she has to go to Lisbon to sell her mother's apartment, who died two years ago through her fault. On the way, she meets Jean: they were in high school together and he is not going to let her go anymore.


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